There is an indispensable premise to do, before we talk about weight loss, and that unfortunately the "guru" of commercial diets regularly ignores: lose weight effectively and durably means forever change their eating habits.
If it has come to the point where you are overweight or obese, it means that something was not right in lifestyle and in particular in the previous power, and has to be radically changed. It is unthinkable to propose a person to follow a diet for a period of time and allow it to return to previous incorrect eating habits.
A correct diet should not focus solely on weight loss. This, indeed, would be a secondary aspect, a consequence of a diet which aims primarily to improve and instead the health status across the entire body, and not just the exterior. Any person with a minimum of knowledge in nutrition can create a diet plan that allows anyone to lose weight quickly, but only doctors and experienced professionals and updated are able to conceive, diets based on the latest scientific findings, able not only to lose the excess weight, but primarily to improve the State of health, to cure and prevent all those diseases related to an unbalanced diet.
Another point of this premise, to understand and assimilate, is that almost all diet plans in the short-term work, admittedly, allowing you to lose too much weight in a short time. Many people feel better after a few days of dieting, but this did not prove a quality index. Most people have a very poor daily diet and unbalanced, and when it passes to any diet designed by the most incompetent dietician, is normal that often feels better, and maybe with more energy, especially in the early days.
There is a sin in all dietary plans that promise fast weight loss while leaving free to eat products that common feeling associated with a rich, heavy food (meat, butter, cheese, pasta, fats, and sweets): they may be more or less well in the short term, but always fail when considering the health effects in the medium and long term. Lose weight, even with a poor diet, helps temporarily to lower triglycerides, improve the efficiency of insulin and to lower the pressure. But in the long term you will lose these advantages, and you buy much more serious disadvantages: kidney failure, increased risk for heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, heart attacks, diabetes, are just some of the diseases associated with diets rich in fats, animal protein, and lacking in fiber, fruits and vegetables. Today, unfortunately, this type of diet is more in vogue that every day they find new followers, often advertised incorrectly by press and television talk shows.
Diets are so-called "low-carb", veering off the caloric percentages for fat and protein, and increase the already high percentage of animal foods consumed in a traditional Western diet. It's a lousy way to lose weight but a great way to increase dramatically the risk of chronic diseases. How do you design a diet that admittedly goes against the guidelines of all institutes of nutrition and research, which invite you to reduce your consumption of animal foods and refined products in favour of fruits, vegetables and whole plant foods?
Probably the only reason that drives these "experts" is purely economic and commercial return. These diets are often accompanied by adult products packages, their creators proclaim themselves "genes" or misunderstood by the scientific community, and thanks to the complicity of the media to create a sequel to real followers, that thanks to the good old word of mouth can make a new fashion of idiocy now.
The result? Over 90% of people who follow a diet regain any lost weight in a short time, adding a few pounds more. In fact the low-carb diet plans and generally low-quality ones cause a slowing of metabolism, which is a set of biochemical processes that occur in the human body and punctuates the rhythm to which a person consumes the calories consumed. After a period of reduced-calorie diet the body slows your metabolism, to preserve the reserves and facilitate survival in conditions of scarcity, in this case food. When you return to normal diet, and you increase the caloric intake, metabolism slowed down you won't be able to consume all the calories consumed, which will increase your weight, adding more pounds than the weight before the diet.
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