Thursday, January 24, 2013

Natural Ways to Reduce the Feeling Of Hunger So as Not to Get Fat

Natural Ways to Reduce the Feeling Of Hunger So as Not to Get Fat
Unless you're one of those happy women who eat more than thin and slender son, also known as "the miracolate of the Lord", the perennial sense of hunger during the day and feel like munching something sweet or savory anytime, if you do not want to get fat, not going at all well!

Of course, who doesn't love lounging on the sofa in front of a nice bundle of chips or with a sandwich stuffed in her hands that oozes salsa, but adopt Smart eating habits every day that have nothing to do with dieting, that's what it takes to get fat and not to reduce the feeling of hunger during your day.

The key is not to remain hungry or resist hunger pangs, but the secret is to reduce the feeling of hunger with the right winning strategy that is not hard to follow and not punitive psychologically.

Let's see how to do in order to be satisfied with what you eat by trying to reduce your appetite!

Natural ways to reduce the feeling of Hunger so as not to gain weight-thanks to Fiber
Fiber-rich foods have a huge advantage. Anything you eat that contain many fibres, in contact with the liquid expands in the stomach and makes you feel very satisfied and much more ... with less calories!

Some of the finest foods rich in fiber, which will help reduce the feeling of hunger you feel more satisfied are:

-wheat bran which is excellent if you replaced the breadcrumbs to your hamburgers, meatloaf, meatballs, etc...

-legumes like lentils, beans and chickpeas are ideal for satiating soups

Barley-perfect for preparing barley salad in summer, but also ideal for preparing creamy winter soups

Natural ways to reduce the feeling of Hunger not Fatten – Proteins
The magic word to reduce the feeling of hunger is: lean protein.

Without the lean protein such as chicken, Turkey, lean cuts of beef and veal, eggs but especially whites and lean fish, you can't think to reduce the feeling of hunger, and then eat less in a natural way and without stress.

The lean meats filled so much why spend much more time to digest them, and then help us to reduce the feeling of hunger in two ways:

-help reduce the feeling of hunger by burning more calories in digesting long

-help reduce the feeling of hunger while maintaining stable blood sugar levels. Translation? Stay away from candy maker for all afternoon!

Natural ways to reduce the feeling of Hunger not fatten – brushing teeth
It seems strange but it isn't at all. Brushing your teeth just finished eating helps reduce the feeling of hunger that drives you to not want to eat anything, because you have your teeth and mouth clean.

Brushing teeth cleans the palate and thanks to this you're less inclined to grab a slice of cream cake, so it's a smart and clever way to reduce the feeling of hunger during meals!

Natural ways to reduce the feeling of Hunger so as not to get fat-Chewing
I don't know if I've ever heard, but the feeling of satiety is all in your head! If your brain is sated and satisfied therefore we are you and your belly.

Very often so as not to gain weight and to reduce the feeling of hunger simply understand that hunger is more psychological than real hunger, then rather than grab that sneakers from 280 calories per piece, take two minutes to yourself, distrait with something and maybe that few minutes of distraction will suffice to let you know that you're not really hungry.


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