Saturday, January 26, 2013

Christmas Dinner With The Christmas Section!

Christmas Dinner With The Christmas Section!. Christmas dinner is not the same without a dessert with capital D and my stub Christmas this year, is undoubtedly a unique delight and worth trying!

The first test I did was with a simple roll with biscuit dough stuffed with cream and raspberry jam that has so captured, then I used the exact same recipe to create a stub Christmas godurioso to say the least, but that is not even so tremendously as calorie you might think.

Of Course ... light is not, but for Christmas dinner that light isn't right and noting that the classic two-tone cream stuffing and Christmas chocolate, covered in butter cream has the beauty of 530 calories per slice ... and so my dear you do not run away, my delicious Stuffed Christmas log jam and light cream has just 257 calories per slicethen my!

What you need for 1 stub Christmas for 14 persons (1 slice each) ...
for the cookie base:
5 eggs
125 g icing sugar
1 sachet of vanilla
3 tablespoons cocoa
for the filling:
100 ml of skimmed milk
100 g Dolceneve
200 g jam Fruit raspberry flower
for coverage:
1 liter of semi-skimmed milk
6 egg yolks
165 g of sugar
45 g "00" flour
5 drops of lemon juice
vanilla aroma to taste
150 g dark chocolate

How to do ...
To prepare the Christmas log like first thing you have to prepare because coverage will have to solidify for long time in the fridge. So you have to follow the same procedure we used to prepare the custard light: how to prepare the pastry cream Light, then mount with a whisk the egg yolks with sugar, then add the sifted flour, lemon drops, then add the vanilla aroma, milk and put to cook everything on low heat to thicken, about 15 minutes.

To make the pastry cream light chocolate add 150 g of dark chocolate and mix well. Put the whole thing in the fridge.

To prepare the cookie base stub Christmas you have to follow the same procedure we used to prepare the roll Stuffed with cream and raspberries, then whip eggs, sugar and vanilla.Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, stretch the dough with chocolate and fine levelling put in oven at 170° for 15 minutes.

Now flip the base of the Christmas tree trunk on a damp cloth and leave it to cool, without removing the wax paper. Meanwhile mount Dolceneve with milk and a little sugar for 5-6 minutes and when the chocolate roll dough is cold, remove the parchment paper, spread a layer of raspberry jam, leaving a couple of tablespoons to one side. Add advanced jam to whipped cream, obtaining a truly delightful pattern ...

... that will be the second layer of the Christmas log. Then a layer of jam and a layer of whipped cream.

Now comes the painful part. roll up the tronchetto from longer according to careful not to break the chocolate biscuit base.

Now take the chocolate cream from the fridge, it cuts across both ends of the trunk and sides to make positional branches,

then begins to smear the tronchetto di Natale with cocoa cream. Decoralo as you like, with flowers and sugar roses or redcurrants passed in egg white, then into sugar and put in the fridge.

Try this Christmas log with whipped cream and raspberries really delicious ... and let me know how it turns out!!


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